Hedge Funds

ING rebalances employee hedge portfolio

ING rebalances employee hedge portfolio

ING has bought 7,260,000 ordinary shares of its delta hedge portfolio, which is used to hedge employee options. The shares were bought on the open...

SuperDerivatives to power S&P's new Credit Default Swap Indices

SuperDerivatives (SD), the derivatives benchmark, today announced that its credit derivatives platform, SD-CD, has been chosen by Standard & Poor’s to...

EIP Excels its investment universe

Hong Kong-based asset management firm, Enhanced Investment Products Ltd. (EIP) announces strong results despite the current economic climate...

SuperDerivatives reports strong growth in Q4 08 and continuing into 2009

uperDerivatives (SD), the derivatives benchmark, reports significant growth in Q4 of 2008 over the previous year, with 83-percent growth in new...