Alipay+ payments now accepted across 2,400 7-Eleven Malaysia stores
Users of AlipayHK, GCash, Kakao Pay, and TrueMoney can now use their mobile wallets in these stores.
Alipay+ payment services are now available in all 7-Eleven stores in Malaysia.
Users of four Asian mobile wallets– AlipayHK, GCash, Kakao Pay, and TrueMoney– can now seamlessly pay in any of the over 2,400 7-Eleven Malaysia stores.
With this, Alipay+ is now accepted at more than 80,000 touchpoints across the country, Ant Group said in a press release.
"By expanding Alipay+ coverage to all our stores, we are providing a seamless and convenient digital payment solution for visitors from around the world,” said Chan Chee Weng, assistant general manager in-store services, 7-Eleven Malaysia.
Razer Merchant Services (RMS), the business-to-business solution of Razer Fintech is the acquiring partner to facilitate the integration of Alipay+ in the stores.